The Anonymous Production Assistant


Hugo over at Polymathic Writings tagged me with a Halloween-y meme: List your top 10 selections and reasons for the selections. So, here goes, in no particular order– Halloween.  Duh.  Because it’s pants-shittingly terrifying.  And don’t tell me it doesn’t hold up.  Turn off the lights and watch it by yourself at night.  I piss myself […]


One of the basic tasks of a PA is distributing paperwork that no one wants to read.  (With good reason, usually; more than a few times, I’ve passed out a memo regarding the fact that the elevators in our building would be shut down… on Saturday.  When no one was going to be there.) As […]

How to Impress

A friend of mine discovered I write this blog, and is now playing a rousing game of “Guess the Roman à Clef.” She hasn’t gotten them all right, so I’m glad my attempts at obscuring my identity have had some effect. Anyway, she had a tip for getting on the director’s (or anyone else’s) good […]

How to Move Up from Reality TV to Real TV

Reader Kelly writes: I love your blog, just wanted to say that.  Thanks for writing it. Awwww.  Well, that’s it for today! …Oh, wait, no. She also had a question: I have been working more and more in production, specifically most recently in reality.  How do I get into being a P.A. in features or […]

Links in the Chain

WordPress has some neat features (much more so than Blogger or, God help us, Myspace, both of which I’ve used).  My favorite, besides the chart showing me how many readers I have, is the “referrers” tool.  I’m not sure how this is different than “incoming links;” if someone knows, please explain it to me. Anyway, […]

Family Circus on the Financial Crisis

I don’t normally post on Sundays, but this definitely warrants an exception:         When our current economic condition starts affecting the Family Circus, you know we’re in trouble.

Oh, Goody! My First Reader Question!

Reader Brian sent me a question, proving once again that “expertise” is a meaningless concept on the internet. I really enjoy your blog — thanks for all the info and frequent posting. That’s not actually part of the question. It just made me feel good. I just applied for a PA position at a network […]

My Last Political Post, I Swear!

This week, anyway. John Rogers has posted a clarification about the whole “self-pitying self-indulgent narcissist” thing.  He didn’t mean for it to apply to all conservatives who feel bullied around town.  Fair enough. I think he was referring to me to me when he wrote, “There was one commenter who noted that in some jobs, […]

Hollywood Conservatism

I should amend yesterday’s post.  I made Hollywood’s liberalism seem monolithic, when that’s not completely true. I worked at a video production company where all the top people were conservative.  They went to church.  They had four or five kids each.  They were married to the same person for decades. It was bizarre. The staff […]

I’m a Self-Pitying, Self-Indulgent Narcissist With My Head So Far Up My Ass That I Equate “Occasional Discomfort During Cocktail Party Conversations” With “Being on the Fucking Blacklist.”

Allow me to explain. There’s an article from the Hollywood Reporter making its way around the blogosphere, “Republicans in biz feel stifled, bullied.”  (Their headlines are so creative.) Now, I don’t generally talk about politics, because that’s not what this blog is about.  (Unlike John Rogers, who, in the last two months, has posted maybe […]

Updating IMDb

I’m trying to update my IMDb page because, even though everyone knows it’s totally inaccurate and completely unreliable, everybody uses it.  It’s weird, I know. Updating is a pain in the ass. They expect you to update your TV credits episode-by-episode. That’s just bad web design. I’ve worked on more than sixty episodes of television […]

Job Search Update

Apparently, the Craig’s List ad I referred to in my last post has already been flagged. I’d like to think one of my readers took it upon themselves to mark it inappropriate. Yup, just doin’ my part to clean up Craig’s List. On a side note: while searching for other inappropriate ads to make fun […]