The Anonymous Production Assistant

Don’t Call People “Cunt”

You’d think that would go unsaid, but apparently not. Xaviar wrote me on Facebook: Enjoying your site I,m a comedy writer, stand up artist, & have a business which I label as a “Comedy Resource Specialist providing all comedy services. I still have a lot of goals to achieve but I’m at this crossroad where […]

Where Should I Spend My Money?

Carlos writes in: I have been working at an office for a little over a year now. In that time, I have managed to save approximately $5,000. I have since quit my boring office-job and am planning to make the move to L.A. to become a production assistant. If I were to move now, I […]

Taking Advantage

So there you are, working your ass off as a PA, running around and doing ridiculous tasks that you will never be able to properly explain to your parents. You love what you do as much as you hate it and you know this is the bottom rung of the Industry ladder. But have you […]

Technical Difficulties

It had to happen some time, folks. Twenty amazing episodes, and then PPPBLLT. Due to technical difficulties, there will be no Crew Call this week. I could explain to you what went wrong,{{1}} but I don’t want to bore you with the details. All you need to know is, Crew Call will be back next […]

Will I Be a PA Forever?

This week, I begin my third season as a production assistant for a TV show that’s not-quite a hit. Which is why the show is going to end and I’ll be right back where I was three years ago. And it’s really, really frustrating. Stop. I know what you’re going to say – “Gee, shouldn’t […]