The Anonymous Production Assistant





Postings for Writers’ Assistants

Kathleen writes:

I am about to graduate in this lovely economic recession with hopes of landing a job in an already competitive industry. I have literally done everything. I even tried finding old UTA joblists and emailing actually people on it trying to sell myself.

The one type of job that is virtually impossible to find on the internet is a writers assistant position. I am aware how difficult they are to attain but I was wondering if there were ANY places that I could look that a WA position might pop up? If you have any other advice I would great appreciate it.

The only place I have ever seen a posting for a writers’ assistant was on the Coordinators 411, and I think that was only once.

Every writers’ assistant or PA that I’ve ever met either A) knew one of the writers already, or B) was promoted from within the show (which is really just a specific version of A).

Networking is the key to getting one of these jobs. At least, that’s what I’m told. I’ve never actually gotten one.

Of course, you could always try starting an anonymous blog, and maybe someone will enjoy your wit an insight enough to offer you a job (hint, hint).


4 Responses

  1. Is this blog still valid? I am looking for writer’s asst/personal asst jobs in nyc. Who wants to forward me postings from the Coordinators’ 411 google group? I’ll buy you coffee/tea/chocolate?

    1. Hey. Just read your post. My daughter is looking for a Writer’s Assistant job in LA. She is now in New York. Could you send me some info on how to apply for the job. Thanks so much

  2. Whoa. That was weird– my name is also Kathleen and I also want to be a writer’s asst, but I swear I didn’t write that e-mail…. Maybe Kathleen and I should be partners? 🙂





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