The Anonymous Production Assistant

Your Resume Should Match the Job You’re Applying For

Replying to last week’s post about resumes, Talli writes: I’m actively looking for a job (trying to move from production company to a show) and my immediate supervisor knows I’m looking to move on (and is actually encouraging it–“don’t get stuck here.”) While I’m technically the office PA, I’ve been doing the job of production […]

Who Do You Work For?

Judging by the comments on last week’s post, I’ve been a little too cute when discussing the question of who you work for. The truth is, there are several valid answers, depending on what you really want to know. Working on a film or television production is not really the same as working for the […]

First Shot, Lunch, and Wrap Reports

If you’re working on a network show or studio film, there are three reports that are almost always the purview of the office PA. They are: the first shot, the lunch report, and the wrap report. This is one of those times where the little details matter a lot.{{1}} Everyone does them a little differently, […]

Seeking Decent ADs and Coordinators

It’s very easy to complain about your boss. Nobody likes to be told what to do, and the very definition of “boss” is someone who tells you what to do. Sometimes they’re crazy or irrational or just plain mean. But you know what? There are some good ones out there, too. And I’d like to […]

The Match Game

This is another one of those things I keep seeing when I help people with their resume and cover letter: the name on your resume needs to match the name on your email address. This is especially true of Gmail accounts, since it’s probably the most common email out there, both for individuals and for […]

Asking for Details About the Job

I received an email with the subject line, “I deserve to know the details right?” I’ll be upfront with you: the word “deserve” is a giant red flag, at least when you’re referring to yourself. It makes me think, “Ugh, this person is going to be a pain.” Even if you’re technically correct, and you […]

Make a Good Last Impression

First impressions are important; they go a long way towards determining whether you land the job. But last impressions are almost as important; they determine whether you get the next job. People are busy. They’re not going to remember every little thing you did or didn’t do over the course of a season. Your boss […]

Working at a Rental Place

Sorry, no Crew Call episode today. We conducted an interview, but the recording got messed up.{{1}} Instead, here’s a regular ol’ blog post. Lana writes in: I currently work at a camera rental house and am constantly in communication with production coordinators on shows around town. I recently have been talking through email with a […]

10 Responses to Lies I Get Told on Set

A New Orleans-based coordinator responded to Thursday’s post, and I felt it was worth calling everyone’s attention to: 10. I mostly rent PAs cars. When I ask for a personal vehicle to be used, you either get mileage or gas paid for. If a flat happens on the job, I work with accounting to get […]