The Anonymous Production Assistant

Get Your Resume Fixed Now!

For a while now, we here at TAPA have been offering a resume editing service to production assistants and others in Hollywood. You see, production resumes look very different from traditional resumes, and it’s just not common knowledge. Plus, we’ve learned a lot of tips and tricks over the years to make your resume more […]

There’s Nothing Wrong With Ambition

Your script probably isn’t very good. Even if it is good, probably no one will read it. Even if they do read it, they probably won’t give you the money to make it. Even if they give you the money to make it, the movie probably won’t be very good. Even if it is good, […]

Negotiating Your Rate

Brie writes in: Would you consider trying to negotiate a higher pay rate for a full-time PA gig? The backstory: I’m interviewing with a prod. co here in NYC — they’re offering $150 a day (which is pretty good by any standard for a PA) but I’ve got 1 year+ of Assistant experience, 4 years […]

I Got It

People on set are busy. If they’re not trying to get a shot, they’re packing up and moving on, turning around, setting up for the next shot. Everyone’s in a big damn hurry. And that’s fine, because time is money and all that. But sometimes you have to take just a sec to be sure […]

Should You Leave a Series Mid-Season?

Gary writes in: I’ve been a PA for over a year and thankfully have had some long runs on shows. I recently started a show for a 3 month run, but I was just offered a position on a feature film in another state that I have been trying extremely hard to get on. My […]

Nothing to Do

Hillary writes in: On the last shoot I was on, after helping unload I was told to go and ask around to see which departments needed my help. Nobody needed anything done and for the rest of the one day shoot I was rarely given a job to do. I tried to help out when […]

A Concise Explanation of How To Make It in Hollywood

I woke up the other day with the most amazing comment on the UTA joblist page. It’s short, but amazingly helpful. I’m a little mad I didn’t write it myself. As someone who moved to LA in 2010 from another state who has: 1) No film or entertainment related degree (BA in Political Science) No […]

As If PAs Didn’t Have Enough Problems, Now Scammers Are Targeting Us

Ugh. Some people are just assholes. A few weeks ago, I answered a question from reader Brian about per diem. Something that stood out to several readers was the phrase “$500 per diem.” That’s a ridiculously high per diem, so I assumed either the job posting in question was ambiguously worded, or the PA misunderstood […]

Can a Writer Help a PA?

Felecia writes in: So there are some people that I’ve worked with before who now write on other shows. I was wondering if I sent them my resume and they forward it to whoever does the hiring on their show, does the fact that it came from one of the writers matter? Or would it […]

Asking For Help

Kristen writes in: I’ve spent the better part of today reading your blog. First off, thank you. I learned a lot and the honest, tough-love from a veteran is appreciated (and more palatable in text than in a cynical tone to one’s face).{{1}} I’m still pretty new to freelancing and film in general. Most of […]

How Am I Supposed to Do That?

A producer came into the office today, and asked that someone remove the arms from the chair in his office.{{1}} The other PA’s immediate response was, “How are we supposed to do that?” Wow… Now, can anyone in the class tell me what he did wrong? First of all, don’t ask the fucking producer how […]

You Have to Take Risks

Eric writes: I’ve been seeing a lot of postings for part time assistant positions. Is this the new wave of employment/new way of business since the economy is still in the crapper (articles writing about how the unemployment level is not at 5.5% more like 9%) and Hollywood tightening the belt everywhere? That being said, […]