The Anonymous Production Assistant

When You Don’t Know Their Name

Steph writes in: I am in the process of sending over my cover letter and resume to an open crew call for a new series. I am putting my name forth to be a Set PA. My issue right now is that I am unable to verify if the AD or 2nd AD that worked […]

Guest Posts – The Trials of Being a PA

I wrote a guest blog post for Staff Me Up! Check it out. And since I wrote for them, here’s a guest post from one of my more experienced readers: 1. Let’s assume you, the PA, are asked to take orders and deliver lunch for five people. Boring, demeaning, pointless work, right? WRONG! This is […]

Production Listings

Nash writes in: I have been considering paying for a subscription to the Production Alert service. I just wanted to know if you thought it was worth it for someone looking to get more PA work? I’ve never found a job through listing services like Production Alert or Production Weekly. The Hollywood Reporter apparently realized […]

How to Dress for a Studio or Network

Evelyn has found herself in a fortunate position: A family contact has arranged for my son to have lunch with a VP of Production at a major studio.  This may not lead to a job, but hopefully he will end up having a valuable contact. Lunch will be in the studio cafeteria, with a tour to follow.  How […]

So You Work at a Studio, But You Want to Work on a Show

Ira{{1}} writes in: I am currently interning at one of the bigger studios in the industry right now. I was curious, is there anyone who works here (in the offices) that I would be able to network with in hopes of getting connected with a PA job? There seems to be more chances of networking with […]

Should You Use LinkedIn?

Kaitlin writes in: What is your opinion about reaching out to recruiters or HR personnel on LinkedIn? I have been trying to land a job at a studio or network. I want to work in TV development yet I can never seem to land a job doing that. It’s definitely not a bad idea. Corporate […]

Nosce te Ipsum

Krista writes in: I am about to graduate high school and was searching for possible internships and PA jobs I could do over the summer before I head off to college. I found a small company whose website said that most positions would be paid but some might not because they’re on a small budget, […]

Video Interviews – Not a Thing

Sarah asks: I’m wondering if you’re familiar with interns/internships in the industry. I’ve applied to an internship with [studio]’s television development department, and I’ve received positive feedback–they’d like me to come in for an interview. The thing is, I’m a recent graduate and haven’t yet relocated to LA; i.e. I’d have to travel a few […]

So You Worked on a Dirty Movie…

Maggie writes in: Your blog is full of great advice and has given me TONS of useful notes so many thanks!! Here’s a question I wasn’t exactly able to find the answer to though. I worked on a very small film with a terrible title. It’s so bad that I don’t know if I can […]

The Best Advice For Becoming a Writers’ Assistant

Earlier this week, script coordinator Kate Powers shared some advice with fellow SCs on a private board. With her permission, I’m re-posting it here for all of you to read: If there’s a job you’re interested in, approach someone who does that job and see if they’ll talk to you about their path, what their […]

When Is an Intern Not an Intern?

When she’s an unpaid PA, of course! B.W. writes in: Most of my experience comes from working for producers in the advertising world as an intern. I’ve been able to work on a lot of really great commercials with a lot of notable clients, but my positions were always “production intern,” “intern,” etc. However, in […]

Professional Email

Helen writes in: I’ve been looking for my second job in the industry as a production assistant and ended up sending my resume out to a low/no pay web series I saw listed on Craigslist. I received a timely reply: “Thanks for your resume. I sure could use soneone with your skill set, not to […]