The Anonymous Production Assistant


When I’m writing, my emotions tend to vacillate between “Oh, God, how did I ever fool myself into thinking I can write?” and “Why am I so amazing?” For this reason, I’m not very perspicacious when it comes to judging my own work.  (Why, yes, I do have a word-a-day calendar.  How did you know?) […]

Not Feeling Like Myself

Since I mentioned I attended the TV writers’ group, I’ve received several e-mails from writers asking if I was this guy or that guy that they’d met. (Curiously, no has suspected that I’m a girl. I realize that I do talk about my wife, but hey, it’s legal in California, now.) The truth is, I […]

My 100th Post! Or, Who Wants To Marry A Porn Star?

After 4 1/2 months, 85 Google searches for “king kong” (really?), 30 clicks on Dow Corning’s boob, several dead forests, and who knows how many complaints, I’ve finally reached one hundred posts!  I don’t know if I accomplished my original goal of being more productive, but I have had fun. In the spirit of having […]


I submitted a script to a screenwriter’s fellowship, and I finally got a response. Thank you for taking the time to fill out the submission material. We hope that you will understand that our admission process involves a variety of factors and that our decision in no way should be viewed as a reflection of […]

Laborless Weekend

Sorry I missed a post yesterday, but I had no internet connection. Curse you, Apple eb770ed, for finally figuring out how to create a password! The only other router in range is labeled, simply, “STASH.” I’m just a white kid from the ‘burbs, but I do watch The Wire, where the dealers have a “no […]

Congratulate Me

Today’s post was originally going to include the punchline, “…And then he woke up with a dick in his mouth,” but since I’m the latest recipient of the Brillante Weblog Premio 2008, I decided that sort of humor is beneath me. (For today, anyway.) I’d like to thank Gillian Horvath of Athena TV for handing […]


I believe in luck, but not in the way people usually mean it. I don’t believe luck determines whether or not you’ll be successful. I think talent, hard work, and generally being nice to work with makes you successful. It’s in timing where the luck comes in. I knew a kid fresh out of film […]

Falling Behind

Today, I saw a teenager wearing a t-shirt bearing the phrase, “Class of 2012,” a year reserved, until recently, for science fiction. For some reason, he wasn’t shooting robots with a phaser while riding a dewback on his way to Thunderdome. (By the way, I watched a documentary called Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Did you […]

Cha Cha Cha

I recently heard about a new service, called Cha Cha. It’s pretty cool. Basically, you just call them up, ask a question, and a few minutes later, you get a text message with the answer. An answer, anyway. The way it works is, they pay people 20 cents per answer. Which is great, because humans […]

Ah, My Younger Days…

Writing yesterday about my film school pilot, I thought about our terrible professors for the first time in years. They were all pretty old, and set in their ways. They wouldn’t let us do anything unusual, like, oh, say, move the camera in the shot. They drained every ounce of originality from the production. Like […]

Learning Experiences

In film school, I worked on a sitcom pilot for the campus TV station. It was for a class, so if you wanted to be either the director, the writer, or the producer, you had to interview with the professors. They made three highly questionable choices. There were a lot of funny people on our […]

Weekend Viewing

Unlike most people, I didn’t go to Dark Knight this weekend. I’ve already seen it on a regular screen, and all the Imax screenings were sold out. Instead, I went to Venice beach. (In my excitement to be outside and away from the office, I called up a friend who lives in Hawaii, which is […]