The Anonymous Production Assistant

Just Because It’s Free…

…doesn’t mean you have to eat it (ALL). I’ve gained twelve pounds on this show. Considering my size, that’s put me over the edge into the “overweight” territory. I’m not someone who obsesses over their weight, but the last thing I need is to be catching heat for being the tubby PA. The PA lifestyle […]

Going International

This week, the show I’m on leaves the friendly confines of Los Angeles for the unpredictability and authenticity of Eastern Europe. This means that for the last week, the entire crew has been running around like a bunch of toddlers, fearing “the move” like it were the pending apocalypse. I’m sure if these same people […]

A Time to Write

I’ve finally come to the conclusion that I can’t work a sixty-five hour work week and work on my screenplay at the same time. I sold a dollar option last summer, but I haven’t had a chance to develop the screenplay since I’m at work ALL THE TIME. So the other day, I told myself, […]

Act Like You’ve Been There Before

This week, our #2 actor started, so we sent him a bouquet of flowers to congratulate him. (It wasn’t until I typed that last sentence that I realized how stupid of a Hollywood tradition it is to congratulate an actor for starting a show. The only thing they’ve done up to that point is sign a […]

Hollywood: Land of a Thousand Promises

A few years ago, I directed a web series that got a little bit of heat with an amazing sizzle reel. We got a producer attached, and the sizzle reel found its way to Kevin Reilly, and he said, “This made me laugh out loud, and very few things make me laugh out loud.” I […]

Good Enough

On my first show, I was copying blue crew lists, and the corner of page two kept curling in the copier, resulting in a tiny black smudge appeared on everybody’s crew lists. The secretary flipped through a handful of them, then gave them all back to me. “Do them again,” he said. “Figure out a […]

The Black Swan Interns

Last week, the New York Times reported: Two men who worked on the hit movie “Black Swan” have mounted an unusual challenge to the film industry’s widely accepted practice of unpaid internships by filing a lawsuit on Wednesday asserting that the production company had violated minimum wage and overtime laws by hiring dozens of such […]

Ringback Tone? Seriously?!

Dear unnamed crew member on the unnamed movie I’m working on, Have you noticed that when you answer your cell phone, people are mysteriously rude to you? Even if it’s someone who’s having an otherwise pleasant day and has no reason to utterly despise you – have you noticed that they sort of hate you? […]

Travel Coordinator: A Way Out

Another path out of the doldrums is to become a Travel Coordinator. This path is just as idiosyncratic as the path toward becoming a script coordinator, definitely not as clear-cut as the one that leads to production secretary. A travel coordinator plans the travel and hotel accommodations on a show that travels. As far as […]


An Office PA’s place is in the office. (Any loyal readers want to embroider that on a pillow for me?) So when an Office PA ventures on set, it creates a classic fish-out-of-water scenario. On my last show, I had to accompany the supervisor’s seventeen-year-old neighbor to set. She sat there, starry-eyed, watching take after […]

Get Your Head in the Game, Rook

One of the PAs in the office is on the chopping block. Every day, he’s working to keep his job – fighting to keep his spot on “the team.” He doesn’t know it, but I hope he senses it. Over the last few weeks, I hope he’s noticed that the office has grown more frustrated […]

Chatty Cathy PA

The new PA in the office caught a bad rap on his first day. Actually, he walked in with a bad rap, and his first day only confirmed it. He’s chatty. There’s a fine line between being friendly and being chatty. He has crossed that line, and, while he doesn’t know that the coordinator, APOC, […]