The Anonymous Production Assistant

What a Script Supervisor Does

Shannon writes in about becoming a script supervisor: I love the work you do, just LOVE. Right now I’m a proud PA but like all PAs I want to grow. I work in the office which I quite enjoy but my heart is in scripts. What is the path to go from where I am […]

Script Coordinator & Writers’ PA Eddie Quintana

Today’s guest is in a position that I know a lot of my readers want to hear about: script coordinator and writers’ PA. Eddie Quintana tells us about his journey from office PA on films to script coordinator on TV series. Along the way, Eddie touches on such topics as stocking the fridge, finishing The […]

The Best Advice For Becoming a Writers’ Assistant

Earlier this week, script coordinator Kate Powers shared some advice with fellow SCs on a private board. With her permission, I’m re-posting it here for all of you to read: If there’s a job you’re interested in, approach someone who does that job and see if they’ll talk to you about their path, what their […]

Waiting for Scripts

Sheila writes: I’m the third PA on [show]. When I started, it was great – I felt like I have a leg up by having a gig in the first place. Plus, we almost never shot nights, and I was only working about 10 hours a day. But… in the last few weeks, we started […]

Script Coordinator: A Way Out of The PA Doldrums

I have no intention of being a PA forever. As I’ve said before, I’d ultimately like to write and direct. Every path out of PA-hood is unique, but one way out that doesn’t get enough attention is the PA –> Script Coordinator route. A Script Coordinator is the keeper of the script. He or she […]

Do Not Disturb

Starting a flame war with wannabetvwriter got me thinking about script coordinators. (Turns out, she’s not a script coordinator, but a writer’s assistant. Oh, well. Just another reason to not read her blog.) While everyone’s job requires a certain amount of concentration, there are certain people who you definitely shouldn’t interrupt– the loader, the script […]