The Anonymous Production Assistant

Casting Is Harder Than You Think

Reader Sean writes in: I was wondering if you could shed some light on casting directors, and why they’re ATL. Seems like a pretty easy job to me. “Oh, YOU’RE the one that thought Tom Hanks would be great in that role! What a genius!” Psssh! If by “ATL,” you mean “Above the Line,” they’re not. “Above […]

The Right Title

Alex writes: I got my first big PA job! A friend in the camera dept. put a good name in for me. I’m a 3D Camera PA for [REDACTED]. I was just curious how I should put that on my resume. Do I specify what kind of PA I am or just put Set PA […]

It’s Not All About You

Not long ago, I was working casting on a reality show.  It’s very different from (read: “less professional than“) a scripted show.  In scripted, the actors have scheduled appointments; they have scenes that they’re supposed to have prepared; they’re polite, but focused on the task at hand. For reality shows, it’s basically a cattle call.  These […]

Game Show Casting

A few people responded to last week’s post about casting.  One reader called himself “Max Powers.” Max writes: There is a large difference between game show casting and actual show casting. For a real show you have to find actors who fit into parts, coordinate their look if casting a family, make sure they fit […]

Casting Called Out

I asked an AD to look over my resume, and make some suggestions. He pointed to two listings for “Casting PA,” both on game shows. “Get rid of these” “Why?” “No one respects the casting department. They don’t do any work. It makes you look lazy.” Wow. The thing is, I knew he kinda had […]