The Anonymous Production Assistant

Authorship II

Based on emails and comments, a few people missed the joke at the end Thursday’s post.  The three movies my friend listed were all written by the same screenwriter, Charlie Kaufman; each film had a different director.  Clearly, the writer leaves a consistent mark. Several people concurred with Do You Come With the Car: Titanic […]


I was talking with a friend the other day.  Well, actually I was talking at him.  Railing, really, against the injustice of auteur theory. A large part of my argument is that normal people don’t really care about what a director does.  People care about characters (which is at least 50% the writer’s doing) and […]

First Person Singular

Department heads often speak of themselves as if they are the entire department. I ACed for a DP once who was continually saying things like, “I’m going to put the crane over there,” or “I’m gonna set the camera here.” No, you’re not. You’re going to tell the grips and ACs, and they’ll do it. […]