The Anonymous Production Assistant

Probably Don’t Quit a Show

caveat scrabble

Last week’s post, Never Quit a Show, seems to have caused some confusion, judging by the comments on Twitter, Facebook, and the post itself. “Never” is hyperbole. If you’re being harassed, if you’re not being paid what you’re owed, if you’re working in unsafe conditions, then yes, quit. I thought these were pretty obvious caveats, […]

Never Quit a Show

Lauren writes in about quitting a show between seasons: Stumbled upon your blog and website and…thank you. I appreciate what you’re doing and sharing! I would like your advice on something though. So I got my first long-term PAing job on a TV show in Chicago. It’s going great. However, my dream is living and […]

Weekends Are for You

Yesterday, I got an email from my boss asking me to take care of some specific things as soon as I got into the office in the morning. I emailed him back: “Sure thing!” A few minutes later, I got another email: “Why did you reply to my email?” I was genuinely confused. First, because […]

It’s Not Your Fault

Good Will Hunting

Wise words from Robin Williams (in full Serious Beard Mode) in Good Will Hunting, but just because it’s not your fault, doesn’t mean it’s not your responsability. Story Time Last week, I woke up to a text from one of my boss (an associate producer) asking to meet him at his boss (the producer)’s storage […]

Don’t Be Redundant

I’ve been noticing an issue lately when editing resumes: redundancy. You’ve got to fit everything on one page. Anything more than that looks ridiculous, especially for a production assistant. And when you reduce it all to a single sheet of paper, it can’t look cramped. Remember, these are people who are used to reading scripts; […]