The Anonymous Production Assistant

Aliens in America

Jason writes: Do you have any idea on how the industry deals with foreigners? Do people from outside the US even have a shot at a PA (or similar) job? For higher positions I’d assume they’ll prefer resume over country of origin, but how about the lower jobs like PA? I’m from The Netherlands, currently […]

How to Drive in Los Angeles 2: Drive Los Angeleser

I don’t know what it’s like in whatever third-world, former-communist, dictatorial kleptocracy you’re from, but here in California, you can turn right on a red light.  This isn’t news, either; it’s been the law since before I was born. Los Angeles suffers more traffic delays than any other city in America (duh).  Part of the […]

How to Drive in Los Angeles (First in a Series)

Here in Los Angeles, PAs drive.  A lot.  Unless you’re a teamster or a location manager, I can virtually guarantee I drive more than you do. So, driving in the City of Angels is the one area of expertise in which I can speak with some authority.  Since I’m not going to have any set-related […]

The Sincerest Form of Flattery…

And here I thought I was the big PA in the blogging world.  Turns out, according to The Hollywood Temp Diaries, I’m “an imitator.”  Nevermind that I started my blog only two weeks after TempX did, nor that I’ve never heard of The Hollywood Temp Diaries until I got linked to it last week. After […]

Full Time Work in a Freelance Industry

I know, I know, it’s been a while since I’ve posted. Sorry. I do have an excuse, though.  The show I’ve been on lo these many months has “stopped production.”  A nice euphemism for “cancelled.”  We’re done. Needless to say, I’ve been spending a lot of time looking for a new job.  Considering the luck […]

How a Set Should Be

Taylor commented on an old post, yesterday: You are stupid sir. Locations arrives first and leaves last. Don’t repeat things you don’t understand He (she?) may or may not have realized that s/he was commenting on an auto-comment that’s generated every time one WordPress post links to another.  That post read, Set PAs stay on […]