The Anonymous Production Assistant

Clarification on Terms

Reader VJ commented on Friday’s post: Where in the hell does an “assistant” anything – even Director – get off being a dick to anyone? Unless the actual director is an überdick, then I guess it’s ok. But you would think they would save the dickery until they had a title without “assistant” right up […]


Regarding yesterday’s diatribe, I wanted to mention an AD I know who is an exception to the rule. He is one of the nicest guys that I’ve ever met.  And not “nice” on the evil-troll-to-asperger-syndrome scale that most ADs are rated on.  I mean, even compared to normal people, he’s really, really nice. Other than the […]

The Prevalence of Asshole ADs

Anonymous Base Camp PA writes… Well, actually, first let me explain what “base camp” is, for those who may not know.  You ever see a usually-empty parking lot full with unlabeled white semi-trucks and trailers?  That’s base camp.  It’s where the physical production is based, specifically the AD trailer. Even if you’re shooting on stage […]

Celebrity, Major and Minor

Along with getting back to writing my blog, I’ve been catching up on a backlog of industry blogs.  Today, I stumbled across this post from the Hollywood Juicer. Michael is like an internet big brother, and it’s nice to know somebody out there worries about me. Had I read that post at the time, I probably […]

Workin’ on the Night Shift

One of the worst things you can read in next week’s script is, “EXT. [WHEREVER] – NIGHT.” Say goodbye to your weekend.  Say goodbye to your wife and kids.  Say goodbye to good, old fashioned sunlight. You see, we can fake a lot of things in television, but when you’ve gotta shoot outside, day is […]

Anonymous Assistant’s Annual Academy Awards Analysis! Part II

As happens every year, most of the talk around the office for the last few days has centered on the Oscar nominations.  (Well, that and Lost.)  Camera guys are bitching that District 9 didn’t get a cinematography nomination, writers are mocking Avatar for getting a best picture nomination but not a screenplay nod (which didn’t […]

It’s a Habit

So, I haven’t written here in a while, and the reason is… there is no reason. Between being unusually busy at work and working on personal projects in my free time, there were a few weeks there where I just didn’t have time to blog. Another factor is the unrelenting series of emails that boil […]