The Anonymous Production Assistant

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Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash
Marty Lang contacted me on Twitter, presumably in refernce to the joblist, or my own jobs page:…
Jamie writes in: I just got a job as a PA (really an unpaid intern) on an…
I saw this harrowing tale about an internship gone wrong recently. I recommend reading it, if you…
Photo by Jess Watters on Unsplash
As a PA, you have to remember a lot of things: people’s names, directions to set, the…
Workin' hard for the money
Samantha writes in: I work as an office PA, but cover also as a runner and as…
Nancy has a question about networking:{{1}} Thinking of switching from medical office work to office work in…
Photo by Steven Van on Unsplash
Elsa writes in: I’m a long time TAPA reader, first time question asker.  I’m a video producer…
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash
I’ve been gearing up for the next TAPA Networking Event (Saturday, March 31st, mark your calendar!). We’ve…
Lion King Be Prepared
First of all, let me just say I’m super annoyed that Disney is dropping “Be Prepared” from…
Pie of money
It appears an old scam is circulating again. The gist is, someone offers a job to a…
Naked Gun 2 1/2 Credits
Larry writes in about choosing the proper credit: I just worked on a show as a PA…
Photo by Ethan Robertson on Unsplash
Today’s guest post comes from Richie Harrington, an awesome assistant, who’s also an aspiring writer/director. So, exactly…
Chemical Engineer
Tessa writes in: I’m currently studying Chemical Engineering in New Mexico and I really hate it. I…
According to a recent poll of my readers, there seems to be a sections of the TAPA…