The Anonymous Production Assistant

Three Common Resume Mistakes

After cleaning up a couple of hundred resumes, I’ve found some common resume mistakes pop up over and over. These are really easy to fix, and you don’t even need to hire me to correct them yourself. Where are you? Most resume templates have a line for your physical address. I have no idea why […]

How Prevalent is Sexual Harassment in Hollywood?

Reader Jess wrote in response to this blog post on sexual harassment: Obviously each department is its own animal, but having worked the majority of my life on skeleton crew indies (with the exception of one major TV show when I was in school) I’m worried that getting any deeper into things is going to […]

10 Lies I get Told as a Production Assistant

I’ll admit, other than a few shows that went on location in Vegas, I’ve never shot outside of Los Angeles. I have never worked in places like New Orleans or Detroit, where tax incentives draw film production. I work in Hollywood, literally and metaphorically. But today, a guest blogger wrote in to talk about PAing […]

What So Good About Friday? Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying And Love Union Holidays

Today is Good Friday, the day Catholics and Mainline Protestants commemorate the death of Jesus. Good Friday is always the Friday before Easter, which is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox. Why does this matter to you? Because Good Friday is a union holiday. So is Easter,{{CORRECTION}} but seriously, […]

Clocking Out

Some readers emailed me about my use of the term “clocking out” in yesterday’s post. No, there is no actual clock to punch on my show, or any show I’ve ever been on. No, nothing cool like that. We actually fill out time cards here in Hollywood. “That just seems really archaic, filling out a […]