The Anonymous Production Assistant

Pet Peeve

Scripts change in TV. They change a lot. The first draft distributed to department heads is usually just a rough guide. You know, so location managers can start scouting, construction crews can start building, casting directors can start casting. That draft will be rewritten at least a half dozen times before filming begins. Sometimes these […]

Where’s My Script?

A friend related a story to me recently about a well-known prima donna actor.  Naturally, I loved it. Because it’s hearsay, I probably shouldn’t name names, so I’ll just say my friend was working on an unspecified Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin off, and I’ll call the actor, oh, “Bavid Doreanaz.” So, a new script […]

Killing Trees

Hollywood is considered a progressive place, concerned with environmentalism, global warming, and “green” things like that. Judging by the number of hybrids in the parking lot, that’s generally true. Except when it comes to paper. I’m not much of an environmentalist myself, but even I’m shocked at how much paper we waste. We’ll use half […]