The Anonymous Production Assistant

Don’t Spend Your Own Money

Pie of money

It appears an old scam is circulating again. The gist is, someone offers a job to a PA (who is, presumably, fresh-faced and naive), which sounds great. Then, they say they’ll give you a check, which you’ll deposit into your bank account. You’re to take your pay from that check, and also make some sort of […]

As If PAs Didn’t Have Enough Problems, Now Scammers Are Targeting Us

Ugh. Some people are just assholes. A few weeks ago, I answered a question from reader Brian about per diem. Something that stood out to several readers was the phrase “$500 per diem.” That’s a ridiculously high per diem, so I assumed either the job posting in question was ambiguously worded, or the PA misunderstood […]