The Anonymous Production Assistant

Should I Stay in Los Angeles?

Ken writes: I just graduated from film school and moved to LA like various people advised me to do. Now, I’m here and looking for nearly any PA job I can find (yay having little to no experience…) and what I keep hearing is how people don’t really film features in LA much anymore. I […]

What I’ve Been Up To

Dear Constant Reader, I want to apologize for the dearth of regular programming here at The Anonymous Production Assistant. I’ve been on location{{1}} for the past month or so, because runaway production is still a thing. The only reason Crew Call has been going up on a regular basis without delay is the hard work […]

Oh, Canada!

AQBemp writes: I’m in the UK and just about to finish uni (nothing film related). There is a scheme here where you can get a work permit/visa for Canada for a year once you’ve graduated as long as you get there by January 2010. At the moment I am really considering going to Vancouver. One […]