The Anonymous Production Assistant

Who’s Your Competition?

A lot of people have been out of work for a long time. (If this is news to you, congratulations on waking up from your coma! There’s probably a lot of things for you to catch up on.) For the rest of you, that means you’re in a competitive job market, even as more and […]

Hunting for Jobs

job hunt

Over the years, lots of people have thanked me for the resources TAPA provides. I’ve been sharing the joblist for a while, as well as my own little job board. You may have even noticed that lately I’ve been trying to find new ways to help you find a job. For instance, there’s Hired in […]

It’s About Time (Or: Yes, I’m Back)

Several people have commented or tweeted that I haven’t written anything in a while. The reason is, basically, this blog was started nearly five years ago, with over 650 posts. That’s quite a bit of material about a job a monkey could do. Eventually, you just run out of things to write. But don’t worry, […]