The Anonymous Production Assistant

Trust Your Instincts

I reader wrote in about an odd job interview she obtained through my site: I got an interview for [company], but it’s in an apartment and no one signed their name on the email so I can’t even confirm the company or producer. I’ve generally only been to interviews in offices and am unsure whether […]

Interview Advice

Since I’m looking for a new job right now, a former boss gave me some advice about interviewing: “Don’t want the job too badly.” People don’t like to see desperation. They want to see calm and confident. Someone who’s desperate for a job will say anything to get it; it’s impossible to judge if they’ll actually […]

What to Wear to an Interview

Patrick asks a question I’ve touched on before, but I think bears some detailed answering: What should I wear to an interview for a P.A. job? Should I dress formally? My dad used to tell me I should dress one level higher than the guy I’m interviewing with.  If he’s wearing shorts, I should wear […]