The Anonymous Production Assistant

How Prevalent is Sexual Harassment in Hollywood?

Reader Jess wrote in response to this blog post on sexual harassment: Obviously each department is its own animal, but having worked the majority of my life on skeleton crew indies (with the exception of one major TV show when I was in school) I’m worried that getting any deeper into things is going to […]

Production Assistants Doing Union Work

Last week to support Crew Call! Contribute today. A reader, who I’ll call Ivan, wrote in about a tricky situation. I’m going to modify some of the details, to keep Ivan’s identity a secret, but the gist is the same– I’ve been hired as a set dec{{1}} PA on a big feature. I have been […]

What to Do About Sexual Harassment

A reader who would like to remain anonymous writes in– Actually, you know what? To preserve this reader’s anonymity, I’m not going to copy-and-paste the email, like I normally would. There’s too great a chance of somebody figuring it out. Everyone with more than a couple years’ under their belt has experienced some sexual harassment.{{1}} […]