The Anonymous Production Assistant

When Your Boss Gives You Work That’s Not Your Job

Workin' hard for the money

Samantha writes in: I work as an office PA, but cover also as a runner and as our Post PA too. I have a quick question to ask if I’m getting taken advantage of or not in my workload. Now, the question I have pertains to a Sr./ Co-EP Story Producer asking me to go […]

How Am I Supposed to Do That?

A producer came into the office today, and asked that someone remove the arms from the chair in his office.{{1}} The other PA’s immediate response was, “How are we supposed to do that?” Wow… Now, can anyone in the class tell me what he did wrong? First of all, don’t ask the fucking producer how […]

Asking for Details About the Job

I received an email with the subject line, “I deserve to know the details right?” I’ll be upfront with you: the word “deserve” is a giant red flag, at least when you’re referring to yourself. It makes me think, “Ugh, this person is going to be a pain.” Even if you’re technically correct, and you […]