The Anonymous Production Assistant

Pet Peeve

Scripts change in TV. They change a lot. The first draft distributed to department heads is usually just a rough guide. You know, so location managers can start scouting, construction crews can start building, casting directors can start casting. That draft will be rewritten at least a half dozen times before filming begins. Sometimes these […]

Reality, TV

I had a strange experience yesterday. I saw someone I know on TV. Now, when you work in television, of course you see people you know, particularly if you watch the show you work on.  But this wasn’t a show I’ve ever worked for. What was strange is that I knew this guy before I […]


I was working on a short film this weekend, and we shot an “intimate scene.”  Basically, the actress was nude.  As is common practice, we kicked out everyone who didn’t absolutely have to be in the room. This was all well and good, but it reminded me of a terrible AD on one of my […]


That’s how one of Nicky Finke’s commentators described the Christian Bale tirade that’s been making the rounds. His little outburst illustrates a number of things that bug me about actors. First of all, actors don’t seem to realize this is a collaborative medium. Notice his use of my: “You’re fucking up my scene.” He refers […]

Where’s My Script?

A friend related a story to me recently about a well-known prima donna actor.  Naturally, I loved it. Because it’s hearsay, I probably shouldn’t name names, so I’ll just say my friend was working on an unspecified Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin off, and I’ll call the actor, oh, “Bavid Doreanaz.” So, a new script […]

Keeping People Happy

EastSt said: Um, they are getting paid FAR more then you… Pizza and your gas money is a SMALL price to pay to keep them happy. I really don’t understand this logic. At all. Isn’t the fact that she’s getting paid more in a day than I get in a week supposed to keep her […]


There’s a simple way tell who the big actors are, and who have just started their careers: ask them if they would like script revisions e-mailed to them, or delivered to their house. The ones who’ve been around forever, the ones who aren’t worried about impressing anyone, say, “Go ahead and e-mail it to me.”  […]

Whoooooo are you? Who, who? Who, who?

It’s virtually impossible to tell, by eye, an office PA from a young producer. Unstylish clothing, disheveled hair, four-day beard growth. (Of course, you’ll know immediately if you see them getting out of their car.) But if you see me on the set without a walkie or a pair of gloves on my belt, I […]

Another Stupid Competition

I was listening to the Adam Carolla Show this morning, and they had Kaitlin Olson, from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, as a guest.  They were talking about how poor you are when you’re starting out, and Adam said, “But you’re making good money now, at least.” “Oh, yeah, I’m making big bucks,” she sarcastically […]


I mock actors a lot, but sometimes, I really do feel sorry for them. For one thing, it’s the only line of work where age, sex, and racial discrimination is legal. You may be the best actress in the world, but you’ll never play Hamlet. You can’t have a black actor play a 1940s crime […]

Learn To Suck.

Those in the art department aren’t the only ones who are required to suck sometimes. In the episode we’re shooting now, there’s a scene where one group of characters is teaching another how to dance. All four actors were required to take dance lessons, which is a little strange, since two of them are not […]