The Anonymous Production Assistant

Colorful Response

Just over a week ago, I related an anecdote about the producer’s assistant indirectly checking that the intern was doing her job correctly. A lot of people took exception to the assistant’s methods.  Final Girl’s comment was typical: What a passive agressive moron. I hate people. I have to admit, this surprised me.  At the […]

Postings for Writers’ Assistants

Kathleen writes: I am about to graduate in this lovely economic recession with hopes of landing a job in an already competitive industry. I have literally done everything. I even tried finding old UTA joblists and emailing actually people on it trying to sell myself. The one type of job that is virtually impossible to […]

Lucas, Spielberg, & Kasdan… Racists!

A few weeks ago, Mystery Man wrote about a transcript that’s been floating around the internet.  It’s a story conference involving George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, and Lawrence Kasdan discussing Raiders of the Lost Ark. Should be fascinating to an aspiring screenwriter like me, right?  Meh. Reading normal people talk the way normal be talk makes […]

Questions, Questions

In response to yesterday’s post, univoked asked if writers’ conferences could be helpful in finding an agent.  Ugly Deaf Muslim Punk Gurl! replied:  Writers’ conferences aren’t really for screenwriters, they’re for BOOK writers. So if you’re looking for a literary agent for a BOOK you’re writing, then you could go to a conference. Otherwise, don’t […]

How to Get an Agent

Chad replied to yesterday’s post: I read every entry of your blog last night starting from the very beginning in April. You’re hilarious! Wow, even I haven’t read every post.  (You can tell by the poor speling and grammar,) I’m a fellow (aspiring) writer and had a quick question for you- how do I go […]

Poking the Frog

Every once in a while, the hype surrounding 30 Rock overwhelms me, and I decide to give it another chance. This is always a mistake. I can count on my hand the number of times I laughed at the show (“Did a Korean person die?”). I tend to turn it off after the teaser, when […]

And While We’re on the Subject…

Coincidentally, John August was also dispensing career advice today. Very few others see such a jump in pay grade as the writer, but his advice is still probably good for anybody climbing up the Hollywood ladder. The one think I take issue with is his $850 per week figure. I don’t know any assistant making […]

Insert Dog Pun Here

Who let the dogs out?  The business is going to the dogs.  These scripts are dogging me.  The dog days of script reading.  Whatever. See, I used to work for a producer at a low-end production company.  They made direct-to-DVD sequels and knock offs of real movies with budgets ranging from low to really low. […]

Doing It In a Group

No, not like that one time in college when we were all drunk.  Well, I wasn’t drunk; I was just male. Anyway. I’m talking about my writers’ group.  We had our first meeting in a couple months last night, and it was great. Being a bunch of writers, we did everything in our power to […]

Job Search

I’m on a job hunt right now, much sooner than I’d expected.  While perusing Craig’s List, I came across this ad.  After the usual rigmarole about being diligent and hard working, the ad ends thusly: Please send a RESUME (with contact info)and a PHOTO. Wow. I like how he staunchly avoids using the feminine pronoun, […]


When I’m writing, my emotions tend to vacillate between “Oh, God, how did I ever fool myself into thinking I can write?” and “Why am I so amazing?” For this reason, I’m not very perspicacious when it comes to judging my own work.  (Why, yes, I do have a word-a-day calendar.  How did you know?) […]

Luckiest Motherfucker Ever

You know my feelings on luck.  I generally don’t believe in it, but Peter Steinfeld is trying to very hard challenge that disbelief. The other day, I listened to Creative Screenwriting Magazine’s interview of Steinfeld after 21. (By the way, it’s a great podcast series, if you’re interested in writing. You can download old podcasts […]