The Anonymous Production Assistant

Hunting for Jobs

job hunt

Over the years, lots of people have thanked me for the resources TAPA provides. I’ve been sharing the joblist for a while, as well as my own little job board. You may have even noticed that lately I’ve been trying to find new ways to help you find a job. For instance, there’s Hired in […]

What To Know About Page Programs

I participated in the CBS Page Program from [dates redacted so I don’t feel old] and eventually used my position to get staffed on a network TV show. Here’s a rundown of everything you need to know about Page Programs, what to expect, and how to make it work for you. How They Differ CBS […]

Accurate Dates on a Resume

Pinocchio's long nose

Over the years, we’ve given a lot of advice on how to adjust your resume to be more appealing to your future employer. You should never outright lie, but skirting the truth and fudging a little are to be expected. Changing dates is the most common technique. For example, you might say you left Company A […]