The Anonymous Production Assistant


I saw the best minds of my generation… take their shows to Louisiana. Okay, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration, but more and more, it seems like every show is filming in The Pelican State. As we speak, roughly thirty shows are in Louisiana. THIRTY! That includes Cataclysm, Ender’s Game, Django Unchained, and the Untitled Diablo […]

Comment Corner

Mae commented on last week’s post about the Bitch Pack. She’s in a difficult situation, and I thought it would be worth posting on the main page:  As a female assistant to a female CEO, your interview with LA Women touched on so many issues that arise in the workplace every day. It is virtually […]

First Day Jitters

I’ve spent my fair share of time in production offices. From sea to shining sea. Well… from Brentwood to Burbank. And in all of those offices, I’ve experienced the same emotion on my first day: Nervousness. There’s no good reason for me to be anxious. Relatively little is expected of a PA on their first […]

Flat Rate

Jillian writes: I recently went on an interview for a production assistant position. I had been responding to an ad that had very little useful information on it, besides the shoot dates. During the interview, I asked what the production was and the rate. They told me they could not reveal any information about the […]


If you hang around base camp long enough, you’ll start to hear actors talking about the Meisner technique. It seems to have replaced Method acting as the go-to acting fad. Near as I can tell, Meisner is a series of rehearsal practices designed to make the performer look like as big of an ass as […]

The Tyranny of Chronology

I agree that a film should have a beginning, a middle and an end but not necessarily in that order. Yes, I just quoted a French New Wave director. Excuse me a second while I punch myself in the face. I’ve been seeing a lot of resumes lately for my cover letter and resume rewriting […]

New Layout

If you go to the main TAPA site, you’ll see I’ve changed the layout. I felt like the column on the right was getting unwieldy, and people weren’t seeing all of it. I thought splitting the information might help. Let me know if you like the new look, or if you you think it’s too cluttered […]

The Bitch List

I was recently interviewed for LA Women. There’s quite a lot about how women are treated in the Industry, a subject that doesn’t come up on TAPA as much as it should. Here’s a quick snippet: You work for a guy and he doesn’t take you seriously, you work for a girl and she sees […]

It’s Good to Be the Coordinator

Here are some important facts about the SSC Ultimate Aero: it costs $654,400. With a top speed of 257mph, it was the fastest street legal car for three years in a row. Only twenty-five have even been made. Why am I telling you all this? Because it made a very special guest appearance on my […]