The Anonymous Production Assistant





TAPA at Sundance: Part Two

A few more thoughts on Sundance, for the TAPA readers who are going for weekend #2 or Sundance 2013.

The shuttles. It’s tough for a lot of Los Angelenos to go someplace that relies so heavily on public transportation. Nobody at Sundance drives. Everybody walks, everybody takes the shuttles. On the plus side, they’re free. Unfortunately, that also makes them crowded and slow. Plan accordingly. If you’re going from one end of Park City to the other (i.e. Transit Center to Redstone), give yourself a solid hour of travel time. Don’t freak out about the crowdedness. Consider it an opportunity to network with the person who’s practically sitting on top of you.

The swag. There’s A LOT of free swag at the festival. I think most people in Hollywood have a love-hate relationship with swag. Everybody wants free stuff, but once you get it, you’re supposed to feel like you can’t be bothered with such garbage. (e.g. I’ve never actually worn a crew t-shirt, but I’d be pissed if a show ever neglected to give me one.) My advice is to take the Sundance swag, since you never know when you’ll have the chance to go back.

The celebrities. Sundance might feel like one big film industry utopia, but don’t forget where you came from. You’re still a PA, which means you don’t have permission to shout at Paris Hilton as she passes you on Main Street.

Do your homework. Next time I go, I’ll do more research to find out which movies are hyped and which are whack. I went to three screenings, and only one was good. Next time, I’d at least like to get my batting average over .500. Considering how long it takes to get into a movie (especially if you wait list), you don’t want to waste your precious time on some horrifically bad adaptation of a classically beloved novel.


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